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Taman Nasional Bali Barat(West Bali National Park)
Kabupaten/Kota : Negara
Taman Nasional Bali Barat merupakan bentang alam (landscape) yang luasnya 77.162,5 Ha. Dewasa ini masih berstatus suaka margasatwa (kurang lebih 2.250 ha) dan perairan pantai yang berbatasan sepanjang 1 km dari garis pantai. Oleh karena itu Taman Nasional Bali Barat adalah merupakan suatu kawasan perlindungan dan pelestarian alam baik ditinjau dari segi margasatwa maupun tumbuhan, beserta dengan ekosistemnya. Margasatwa khas yang terdapat di kawasan ini adalah Jalak Putih Bali (Leuoeopsar rhotsehildi) dan Banteng (Bos Javanicus). Jenis tumbuhan khas yang tumbuh di kawasan ini seperti sawo kecik (manilkara kooki) dan lontar (Borrassus Flellifer) membentuk hutan murni. Jenis tumbuhan khas lain yang tumbuh adalah Dipterocarp. Keunggulan Taman Nasional di daerah Bali Barat ini akan dapat meningkatkan fungsi konservasi baik fauna, flora, maupun ekosistemnya dalam bidang pendidikan, penelitian, kebudayaan, rekreasi dan pariwisata.
Beberapa daerah di kawasan hutan ini merupakan obyek rekreasi terbatas, diantaranya daerah Teluk Terima, daerah Sumberrejo dan daerah Stasion Relay Micro Wave di Klatakan.
Daerah Teluk Terima merupakan obyek rekreasi berupa teluk, hutan musim, makam Jayaprana, dan satwa (kera). Rekreasi laut yang dapat dikembangkan di daerah ini adalah bersampan, memancing dan menyelam untuk menyaksikan kehidupan di dasar laut.
Di daerah Sumberrejo terdapat obyek rekreasi berupa hutan musim, hutan hujan, panorama indah berupa teluk (dari ketinggian kurang lebih 40 meter dari permukaan laut ), panorama laut dan perkotaan (Banyuwangi dan Gilimanuk). Obyek ini dapat dicapai dari Desa Sumberrejo, melalui jalan patroli sepanjang kurang lebih 4 km. Kita akan sampai di daerah yang berbukit yang ditanami rumput gajah. Dari atas menara pengintai kadang-kadang dapat dilihat satwa (rusa) sedang merumput di padang rerumputan buatan tersebut.
Di daerah Stasion Relay Micro Wave Klatakan, terdapat obyek rekreasi berupa hutan musim, hutan hujan pegunungan, panorama indah lautan Indonesia (dari ketinggian kurang lebih 400 meter dari permukaan laut), perkampungan dan hutan . Kegiatan rekreasi yang dapat dikembangkan adalah berjalan kaki, memotret, pengamatan satwa dan beristirahat sambil menikmati udara yang sejuk dan panorama yang indah di lautan Indonesia.
West Bali National Park
West Bali National Park (West Bali National Park)
District / Town: State
West Bali National Park is a landscape (landscape), which covers about 77,162.5 hectares. Currently still a game reserve (approximately 2250 ha) and adjacent coastal waters along the 1 km from the coastline. Therefore, the West Bali National Park is an area of protection and nature conservation both in terms of wildlife and plants, along with its ecosystem. Unique wildlife found in this area is the Bali Starling White (Leuoeopsar rhotsehildi) and Banteng (Bos javanicus). Typical plant species that grow in this region as kecik sapodilla (Manilkara kooki) and palm (Borrassus Flellifer) forming a pure forest. Other typical plant species that grow are dipterocarp. Excellence in Bali National Park West will be able to improve the function of both the conservation of fauna, flora, and ecosystems in the field of education, research, culture, recreation and tourism.
Some areas of this forest area is limited recreational objects, including Thank Bay area, regional and local Sumberrejo Micro Wave Relay Station in Klatakan.
Thank Bay area is a recreational object of the bay, monsoon forest, Jayaprana tomb, and animals (monkeys). Marine recreation that can be developed in this area is boating, fishing and diving to watch life on the seabed.
In the area there is an object Sumberrejo season recreational forests, rain forests, beautiful panorama of the bay (from a height of approximately 40 meters from the sea surface), panoramic sea and urban (Banyuwangi and Gilimanuk). This object can be reached from the village of Sumberrejo, through patrols along the road about 4 km. We will arrive in a hilly area planted with elephant grass. From the top of tower can sometimes be seen wildlife (deer) grazing in the field of artificial grass.
In the area of Micro Wave Relay Station Klatakan, there are objects in the form of forest recreation season, the rain forest mountains, beautiful panoramic ocean Indonesia (from a height of approximately 400 meters above sea level), village and forest. Recreational activities that can be developed is on foot, shooting, wildlife observation and rest while enjoying the cool weather and beautiful panoramas in the Indonesian seas.
West Bali National Park (West Bali National Park)
District / Town: State
West Bali National Park is a landscape (landscape), which covers about 77,162.5 hectares. Currently still a game reserve (approximately 2250 ha) and adjacent coastal waters along the 1 km from the coastline. Therefore, the West Bali National Park is an area of protection and nature conservation both in terms of wildlife and plants, along with its ecosystem. Unique wildlife found in this area is the Bali Starling White (Leuoeopsar rhotsehildi) and Banteng (Bos javanicus). Typical plant species that grow in this region as kecik sapodilla (Manilkara kooki) and palm (Borrassus Flellifer) forming a pure forest. Other typical plant species that grow are dipterocarp. Excellence in Bali National Park West will be able to improve the function of both the conservation of fauna, flora, and ecosystems in the field of education, research, culture, recreation and tourism.
Some areas of this forest area is limited recreational objects, including Thank Bay area, regional and local Sumberrejo Micro Wave Relay Station in Klatakan.
Thank Bay area is a recreational object of the bay, monsoon forest, Jayaprana tomb, and animals (monkeys). Marine recreation that can be developed in this area is boating, fishing and diving to watch life on the seabed.
In the area there is an object Sumberrejo season recreational forests, rain forests, beautiful panorama of the bay (from a height of approximately 40 meters from the sea surface), panoramic sea and urban (Banyuwangi and Gilimanuk). This object can be reached from the village of Sumberrejo, through patrols along the road about 4 km. We will arrive in a hilly area planted with elephant grass. From the top of tower can sometimes be seen wildlife (deer) grazing in the field of artificial grass.
In the area of Micro Wave Relay Station Klatakan, there are objects in the form of forest recreation season, the rain forest mountains, beautiful panoramic ocean Indonesia (from a height of approximately 400 meters above sea level), village and forest. Recreational activities that can be developed is on foot, shooting, wildlife observation and rest while enjoying the cool weather and beautiful panoramas in the Indonesian seas.
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