Olahraga Air atau Water sport di Bali
Nikmati liburan di Bali anda dengan aktivitas water sport di Bali atau wisata air seperti Banana Boat, Jet Ski, Snorkeling ataupun aktivitas air lainnya di Tanjung Benoa Bali.
Water sport atau wisata Air dapat anda lakukan sebagai wisata alternatif, bertempat di Tanjung Benoa Bali.
Water sport - Olahraga Air di Tanjung Benoa Bali
Water sport - Olahraga Air
Kami ajak anda untuk melakukan aktivitas olahraga air atau yang sering disebut Water sport di Tanjung Benoa dekat Nusa Dua Bali. Berjarak hanya 20 menit berkendara dari pantai kuta menuju pantai Tanjung Benoa ke arah selatan. Permainan yang ada di tempat ini ditanggung aman, nyaman karena anda akan mendapat asuransi jika terjadi hal-hal yg tidak diinginkan. Seluruh operator kami di watersport ini memiliki karyawan-karyawan yang mahir dan profesional di bidangnya.
PARASAILING adalah permainan air dimana anda akan memakai payung parasut besar kemudian ditarik oleh speed boat mengeliling pantai Tanjung Benoa. Waktu permainan ini satu putaran kira-kira 4 menit di udara. Ketinggian tali yg menghubungkan antara parasut dengan speed boat kurang lebih 80 meter.
SNORKELING, yaitu berenang sambil melihat pemandangan bawah laut. Syarat utamanya anda harus bisa berenang. Dengan menggunakan masker dan fin, anda akan melihat ikan2 hias serta terumbu karang yg ada sambil berenang.
Jet Ski
JETSKI, yaitu permainan menggunakan kendaraan di pantai seperti sepeda motor. Jetski disini tidak bisa anda kendarai sendiri, harus didampingi oleh instruktur, mengingat di pantai TB banyak terdapat perahu2 dan aktivitas watersport lainnya, sehingga tabrakan bisa dihindari. Jangan khawatir, si instruktur ini hanya akan mengendarai dari pinggir pantai menuju ke tengah laut, nah sampai disana giliran anda yg nyetir, si instruktur boncengan. Waktu permainan ini adalah 15 menit.
Banana Boat
Banana Boat adalah permainan menggunakan perahu karet tunggal, anda akan ditarik oleh speed boat berkeliling pantai dalam waktu 15 menit. Kapasitas muatan banana boat ini adalah max 4 orang plus 1 orang instruktur sbg pendamping. Anda bisa minta diceburin ke air selama boat berjalan, atau kalau tidak mau basah..minta yg normal2 saja. Kurang seru sih kalau main banana boat tanpa nyebur.
Glass Bottom Boat
GLASS BOTTOM BOAT & PULAU PENYU, adalah wisata yg paling cocok jika anda mengajak anak anda yg masih kecil2. Dengan menaiki perahu yg dibawahnya ada kaca bening, anda akan diajak berlayar melihat akuarium bawah laut yg terdapat di pantai Tanjung Benoa. Sambil melemparkan roti dari perahu, ikan2 akan naik dan mengejar makanan tsb. Jumlahnya ratusan ekor dan berwarna warni. Demikian juga dgn pemandangan karang laut yg elok. Setelah puas melihat hal tsb, perahu akan meluncur menuju Pulau Penyu utk melihat lokasi penangkaran PENYU, binatang yg cukup langka keberadaannya. Disini anda akan melihat telur penyu yg dikeram, kemudian penyu yg masih kecil2, penyu remaja sampai dengan penyu dewasa yg sudah siap menjadi induk. Jenis penyu tidak hanya satu saja, tapi ada beberapa jenis. Disamping itu, dilokasi ini juga terdapat binatang lain spt burung, kelelawar, ular, dll yg sangat jinak, sehingga bisa anda pegang utk di foto. Aktivitas ini berlangsung kira2 1 jam.
Flying Fish
FLYING FISH, ini permainan paling anyar di Bali. 3 buah banana boat dijadikan satu dengan tambahan rubber boat melintang di depannya dan ada semacam sayap disamping kanan kiri. Flying Fish dimainkan max oleh 3 orang, yaitu 2 orang penumpang disisi kanan kiri dan 1 orang instruktur ditengah2. Posisi anda bisa beridir seperti mengendarai sepeda motor atau tidur terlentang. Flying Fish ini akan ditarik oleh speed boat berkecapatan tinggi dgn jalur melawan arah angin. Dengan demikian, flying fish akan terbang diatas air kira2 2 meter atau lebih bergantung pada kecepatan angin. Persis seperti layangan. Bagi yg suka tantangan, jangan melewatkan utk mencoba permainan ini.
Scuba Diving
SCUBA DIVING, yaitu menyelam. Daripada snorkeling, lebih bagus diving sekalian. Anda akan diberikan perlengkapan diving komplit, mulai dari pakaian, tangki oksigen dll. Diving tidak harus bisa renang, lebih baik kalo anda tdk bisa renang, karena lebih gampang. Satu wisatawan akan ditemani oleh satu instruktur di bawah air, jadi tidak perlu khawatir. Sebelumnya, anda akan di-brief dulu ttg cara2 menyelam yg benar. Kedalaman bagi pemula berkisar antar 3 meter - 7 meter didalam air selama 40 menit. Sambil membawa roti utk makanan ikan, anda akan melihat indahnya pemandangan bawah laut yg dipenuhi oleh terumbu karang yg cantik dan ikan hias warni-warni.
Water Sports Water or sports in Bali
Enjoy your vacation in Bali with the Bali water sport activities or water attractions such as Banana Boat, Jet Ski, snorkeling or other water activities in Tanjung Benoa, Bali.
Water sport or tourism Water you can do as an alternative tourism, located in Tanjung Benoa, Bali.
Water sports - Water Sports at Tanjung Benoa Bali
Water sports - Water Sports
We invite you to do water sports or activities that are often called Water sports in Tanjung Benoa, near Nusa Dua Bali. Located just 20 minutes drive from Kuta beach to Tanjung Benoa beach to the south. The game is in place will be paid for safe, convenient because you will get insurance if things happen which are not desirable. All our operators in this watersport has employees who are adept and professional in his field.
Parasailing is a water game where you will use a large parachute umbrella then pulled by speed boat to Tanjung Benoa beach surrounding. When the game is a round about 4 minutes in the air. Height of the rope which connects the parachute to a speed boat about 80 yards.
Snorkeling, swimming, looking at the underwater scenery. The main requirement you should be able to swim. By using a mask and fins, you'll see ikan2 ornamental and reefs imaginable while swimming.
Jet Ski
Jetski, the game uses the vehicle on the beach like a motorcycle. Jetski here can not you drive yourself, should be accompanied by an instructor, given the numerous beach perahu2 TB and other watersport activities, so that collisions can be avoided. Do not worry, the instructor will only drive from the beach toward the middle of the sea, well until you turn there who do drive, the instructor lift. When the game is 15 minutes.
Banana Boat
Banana Boat is a game using a single rubber boat, you will be attracted by speed boat around the coast within 15 minutes. Banana boat load capacity is max 4 people plus 1 instructor as a companion. You can ask diceburin into the water during the boat running, or if you do not want to wet .. just ask who normal2. Less exciting does that play banana boat without nyebur.
Glass Bottom Boat
GLASS BOTTOM BOAT & TURTLE ISLAND, is the most suitable tour if you ask your child who is still kecil2. With a distinguished underneath there boarded the boat clear glass, you will be invited to sail to see the underwater aquarium which located at Tanjung Benoa beach. As he threw the bread out of the boat, ikan2 will rise and they will be chasing food. Hundreds of tails and colorful. Similarly, with lovely views of sea coral reply. After the satisfaction of seeing things they will be, the boat will slide into Turtle Island to see the location of breeding TURTLE, quite rare animal existence. Here you will see a distinguished dikeram turtle eggs and turtle who still kecil2, hawksbill turtles teens to adults who are ready to become a parent. Types of turtles not only one, but there are several types. In addition, this location there are also other animals such as birds, bats, snakes, etc. which are very tame, so can you hold for the photo. This activity lasted kira2 1 hour.
Flying Fish
FLYING FISH, this most brand-new game in Bali. 3 pieces of banana boat put together with additional rubber boat across the front and there is a kind of right beside left wing. Flying Fish is played by 3 people max, that is 2 people left right passenger side and 1 instructor ditengah2. Position you can beridir like riding a motorcycle or sleep on her back. Flying Fish will be attracted by speed boat speeds with downwind path. Thus, the flying fish would fly over the water kira2 2 meters or more depending on wind speeds. Just like kites. For those who like challenges, do not miss to try this game.
Scuba Diving
SCUBA DIVING, namely diving. Instead of snorkeling, diving better as well. You will be given complete diving equipment, ranging from clothing, etc. oxygen tank. Diving should not be swimming, it's better if you can not swim, because it's easier. The tourists will be accompanied by an instructor under the water, so do not worry. Previously, you'll be brief about cara2 first dive distinguished. The depth for beginners ranging between 3 feet - 7 feet in the water for 40 minutes. Taking the bread for food fish, you will see the beautiful underwater scenery which met by beautiful coral reefs distinguished and iridescent-hued ornamental fish.
Enjoy your vacation in Bali with the Bali water sport activities or water attractions such as Banana Boat, Jet Ski, snorkeling or other water activities in Tanjung Benoa, Bali.
Water sport or tourism Water you can do as an alternative tourism, located in Tanjung Benoa, Bali.
Water sports - Water Sports at Tanjung Benoa Bali
Water sports - Water Sports
We invite you to do water sports or activities that are often called Water sports in Tanjung Benoa, near Nusa Dua Bali. Located just 20 minutes drive from Kuta beach to Tanjung Benoa beach to the south. The game is in place will be paid for safe, convenient because you will get insurance if things happen which are not desirable. All our operators in this watersport has employees who are adept and professional in his field.
Parasailing is a water game where you will use a large parachute umbrella then pulled by speed boat to Tanjung Benoa beach surrounding. When the game is a round about 4 minutes in the air. Height of the rope which connects the parachute to a speed boat about 80 yards.
Snorkeling, swimming, looking at the underwater scenery. The main requirement you should be able to swim. By using a mask and fins, you'll see ikan2 ornamental and reefs imaginable while swimming.
Jet Ski
Jetski, the game uses the vehicle on the beach like a motorcycle. Jetski here can not you drive yourself, should be accompanied by an instructor, given the numerous beach perahu2 TB and other watersport activities, so that collisions can be avoided. Do not worry, the instructor will only drive from the beach toward the middle of the sea, well until you turn there who do drive, the instructor lift. When the game is 15 minutes.
Banana Boat
Banana Boat is a game using a single rubber boat, you will be attracted by speed boat around the coast within 15 minutes. Banana boat load capacity is max 4 people plus 1 instructor as a companion. You can ask diceburin into the water during the boat running, or if you do not want to wet .. just ask who normal2. Less exciting does that play banana boat without nyebur.
Glass Bottom Boat
GLASS BOTTOM BOAT & TURTLE ISLAND, is the most suitable tour if you ask your child who is still kecil2. With a distinguished underneath there boarded the boat clear glass, you will be invited to sail to see the underwater aquarium which located at Tanjung Benoa beach. As he threw the bread out of the boat, ikan2 will rise and they will be chasing food. Hundreds of tails and colorful. Similarly, with lovely views of sea coral reply. After the satisfaction of seeing things they will be, the boat will slide into Turtle Island to see the location of breeding TURTLE, quite rare animal existence. Here you will see a distinguished dikeram turtle eggs and turtle who still kecil2, hawksbill turtles teens to adults who are ready to become a parent. Types of turtles not only one, but there are several types. In addition, this location there are also other animals such as birds, bats, snakes, etc. which are very tame, so can you hold for the photo. This activity lasted kira2 1 hour.
Flying Fish
FLYING FISH, this most brand-new game in Bali. 3 pieces of banana boat put together with additional rubber boat across the front and there is a kind of right beside left wing. Flying Fish is played by 3 people max, that is 2 people left right passenger side and 1 instructor ditengah2. Position you can beridir like riding a motorcycle or sleep on her back. Flying Fish will be attracted by speed boat speeds with downwind path. Thus, the flying fish would fly over the water kira2 2 meters or more depending on wind speeds. Just like kites. For those who like challenges, do not miss to try this game.
Scuba Diving
SCUBA DIVING, namely diving. Instead of snorkeling, diving better as well. You will be given complete diving equipment, ranging from clothing, etc. oxygen tank. Diving should not be swimming, it's better if you can not swim, because it's easier. The tourists will be accompanied by an instructor under the water, so do not worry. Previously, you'll be brief about cara2 first dive distinguished. The depth for beginners ranging between 3 feet - 7 feet in the water for 40 minutes. Taking the bread for food fish, you will see the beautiful underwater scenery which met by beautiful coral reefs distinguished and iridescent-hued ornamental fish.