Arti dan Fungsi Uang Kepeng bagi Masyarakat Hindu Bali
UANG kepeng atau pis bolong pernah menjadi alat transaksi di Bali pada masa lampau. Bentuknya bulat pipih dan pada bagian tengahnya berlobang. Pada kedua permukaannya berisi tulisan huruf Cina. Di Bali, uang kepeng ini masih memiliki arti dan fungsi untuk masyarakat Hindu Bali. Berbagai sarana upacara masih memanfaatkannya, serta dimanfaatkan pula untuk membuat benda-benda cenderamata untuk kepentingan pariwisata.
Arti uang kepeng dalam upacara, antara lain, bahan uang kepeng mengandung unsur- unsur Pancadatu. Unsur- unsur Pancadatu adalah tembaga, timah, besi, perak dan emas. Uang kepeng dari segi bentuknya merupakan lambang daripada windu (bulatan). Pada zaman dahulu satuan uang kepeng merupakan satuan bilangan yang terkecil sehingga paling mudah untuk menentukan jumlah satuan. Masing- masing bilangan dari 1 sampai 9 mengandung arti simbolis: urip. Sesuai dengan urip pengider- ideran. Dipergunakan pada waktu orang melakukan upacara pemegatan dalam upacara kematian dan upacara perceraian.
Sedangkan fungsi uang kepeng dipergunakan sebagai sarana untuk melengkapi upakara Panca Yadnya, misalnya dalam banten, dalam buah lis, orti, dan sebagainya. Di samping itu juga berfungsi sebagai sesari. Dapat juga berfungsi sebagai alat- alat upakara, seperti : lamak tamiang, salang, payung pagut, panyeneng.
Beberapa para ahli dibidang benda-benda purbakala meyakini bahwa uang kepeng berasal dari negeri Cina. Salah satunya adalah pendapat dari F.A. Liefrinch yang menyebutkan uang kepeng sebagai Chinese coins. Pendapat ini didasari karena pada kedua permukaan uang kepeng tersebut berisi tulisan huruf Cina.
Menurut cerita pada masa lampau, ada seorang musafir dari dari Cina yang bernama Fa Hien pergi berlayar menuju ke tanah Hindu yaitu India dan Srilangka. Setelah beberapa lama berada di sana, ia kemudian kembali ke negeri asalnya sekitar 414 Masehi. Namun di tengah perjalanan, kapal yang ditumpanginya diserang badai dan mengalami kerusakan. Kapal tersebut kemudian terdampar di sebuah pulau yang kemudian dikenal sebagai Ya-wa-di. Konon yang dimaksud dengan Ya-wa-di adalah Jawa Dwipa atau Pulau Jawa. Ada kemungkinan pada masa itu uang kepeng sudah mulai diperkenalkan di sana.
Namun ada para ahli yang berpendapat bahwa uang kepeng dikenal di Indonesia pada masa kerajaan di Nusantara menjalin hubungan dagang dengan negeri Cina. Seperti diketahui bahwa bangsa Cina memang terkenal sebagai bangsa pedagang sejak zaman dulu. Pada masa itu mereka sudah melakukan perdagangan dengan bangsa-bangsa di belahan dunia lain, baik lewat darat maupun lewat lautan. Bukti adanya hubungan dagang antara negeri Cina dengan raja-raja di Pulau Jawa dapat dibuktikan dengan ditemukannya uang kepeng dalam jumlah yang cukup banyak di beberapa kota seperti Pati, Kudus, Batang, Kendal, Cilacap, Temanggung, Purworejo, Blora, yang secara geografis kebanyakan terletak di pesisir pantai. R. Gorris, seorang sejarawan dari Belanda yang lama tinggal di Sanglah, Denpasar, menyatakan bahwa uang kepeng sudah dikenal di Bali sekitar 882 Masehi.
Bagi sebagian masyarakat Hindu Bali, uang kepeng jenis tertentu diyakini memiliki kekuatan gaib atau magis. Menurut Koentjoroningrat, kemampuan manusia untuk menghadapi hidup ini memang dilandasi oleh naluri dan ilmu pengetahuan. Namun terkadang semua itu tidak mampu menyelesaikan permasalahan yang dihadapinya secara tuntas dengan cara rasional. Untuk itu mereka kemudian menyiasatinya dengan cara yang irasional yakni dengan ilmu gaib atau magis. Dikatakan juga bahwa ilmu gaib yang dimaksud adalah cara-cara manusia untuk mempengaruhi alam dalam usahanya untuk mencapai tujuan.
Adanya usaha manusia yang sedemikian itu pada akhirnya memunculkan benda-benda yang memiliki kekuatan gaib, salah satunya adalah dalam bentuk uang kepeng. Tentunya uang kepeng jenis ini memiliki kekhususan yang tidak dimiliki oleh uang kepeng biasa. Kalau uang kepeng biasa pada umumnya pada dua sisinya berisi tulisan Cina, namun pada uang kepeng gaib pada salah satu sisinya akan berisi rerajahan atau gambar tertentu di antaranya gambar Arjuna, Bima, Kresna, Panca Pandawa, Tualen, Sangut, Hanoman, Kuda, Jaring, sampai Bulan Sabit.
Uang kepeng yang berisi rerajahan itu pada umumnya memiliki kekuatan sesuai dengan gambar yang terdapat pada salah satu sisi dari uang kepeng tersebut. Kekuatan gaibnya akan muncul kalau si pemilik atau pembawa uang kepeng tersebut yakin akan hal itu. Beberapa selentingan memang terdengar santer di masyarakat bahwa kekuatan gaib uang kepeng memang sangat dahsyat. Seseorang yang menjuarai lomba lari jarak jauh digosipkan memiliki uang kepeng bergambar kuda atau lebih dikenal dengan pis jaran. Seorang pemuda yang wajahnya tidak begitu menjanjikan tiba-tiba menikah dengan seorang gadis secantik bidadari, kemudian diisukan punya pis Rejuna.
Meaning and Function coins for Balinese Hindu Society
MONEY Kepeng or thin perforated once the transaction instrument in Bali in the past. The shape is round and flat in the middle holes. On both surfaces contain writing Chinese characters. In Bali, these coins still have meaning and function for the Balinese Hindu community. Various means of ceremonies still use it, and also used to make souvenir items for the sake of tourism.
Meaning of coins in the ceremony, among others, materials coins contain elements Pancadatu. Pancadatu elements include copper, tin, iron, silver and gold. Coins in terms of its shape is a symbol than Tiger (dots). In ancient times the unit number of coins is the smallest unit that is easiest to determine the number of units. Each number from 1 to 9 contain a symbolic meaning: urip. In accordance with urip pengider-ideran. Used when one is doing the ceremony discontinuity in the ceremony of death and divorce ceremonies.
While the function of coins used as a means to complement upakara Panca Yadnya, for example in the offerings, the fruit casing, orti, and so forth. In addition it also serves as sesari. It can also function as upakara tools, such as: lamak Tamiang, salary, umbrellas pagut, panyeneng.
Some experts in the field of ancient objects believed that coins originated from China. One is the opinion of F.A. Liefrinch mentioning as Chinese kepeng coins. This opinion is based on the two surfaces because these coins contain writing Chinese characters.
According to a story in the past, there are a traveler from China named Fa-Hien went sailing towards the land of Hindu India and Sri Lanka. After a while there, he then returned to her native country around 414 AD. But on the way, the host ship and damaged by the storms. The ship was then stranded on an island which became known as Ya-wa-in. It is said that is the Ya-wa-in is Dwipa Java or Java. There is a possibility at that time coins have started to be introduced there.
But there are experts who argue that the coins are known in Indonesia during the kingdom in the archipelago to establish trade relations with China. As it is known that the Chinese nation is renowned as the nation's merchants since ancient times. At that time they had to trade with nations in other parts of the world, either by land or by sea. Evidence of Chinese trade relations between the countries with the kings of the island of Java can be evidenced by the finding of coins in considerable amounts in some cities, such as Pati, Kudus, Batang, Kendal, Cilacap, Waterford, Purworejo, Blora, which is geographically situated mostly on the coast. R. Gorris, a historian from the Netherlands who long lived in Sanglah, Denpasar, said that the coins are well known in Bali around 882 AD.
For some Balinese Hindu society, certain types of coins believed to have supernatural powers or magical. According Koentjoroningrat, the human ability to deal with this life is guided by instinct and science. But sometimes it is not able to solve the problems it faces are completely rational manner. For that they then work around an irrational manner ie by witchcraft or magic. It also said that witchcraft in question is the ways to influence human nature in its efforts to achieve the goal.
The existence of such a human endeavor that eventually led to the things that have supernatural powers, one of which is in the form of coins. Of course, coins have the particularity of this type are not possessed by ordinary coins. If ordinary coins in general on the two sides contain Chinese writing, but the magical coins on one side will contain rerajahan or a particular image of which the image of Arjuna, Bhima, Krishna, the Panca Pandava, Tualen, Sangut, Hanuman, Horse, Nets, to Crescent.
Kepeng containing rerajahan it generally has the power in accordance with the image contained on one side of these coins. His magical strength would arise if the owner or carrier of these coins was sure of it. Some rumors are heard widely in the community that supernatural forces are very powerful coins. Someone who won the race distance rumored to have coins or more known picture of a horse with horse pis. A young man whose face was not so promising was suddenly married to a girl as beautiful as an angel, then was rumored to have pis Rejuna
MONEY Kepeng or thin perforated once the transaction instrument in Bali in the past. The shape is round and flat in the middle holes. On both surfaces contain writing Chinese characters. In Bali, these coins still have meaning and function for the Balinese Hindu community. Various means of ceremonies still use it, and also used to make souvenir items for the sake of tourism.
Meaning of coins in the ceremony, among others, materials coins contain elements Pancadatu. Pancadatu elements include copper, tin, iron, silver and gold. Coins in terms of its shape is a symbol than Tiger (dots). In ancient times the unit number of coins is the smallest unit that is easiest to determine the number of units. Each number from 1 to 9 contain a symbolic meaning: urip. In accordance with urip pengider-ideran. Used when one is doing the ceremony discontinuity in the ceremony of death and divorce ceremonies.
While the function of coins used as a means to complement upakara Panca Yadnya, for example in the offerings, the fruit casing, orti, and so forth. In addition it also serves as sesari. It can also function as upakara tools, such as: lamak Tamiang, salary, umbrellas pagut, panyeneng.
Some experts in the field of ancient objects believed that coins originated from China. One is the opinion of F.A. Liefrinch mentioning as Chinese kepeng coins. This opinion is based on the two surfaces because these coins contain writing Chinese characters.
According to a story in the past, there are a traveler from China named Fa-Hien went sailing towards the land of Hindu India and Sri Lanka. After a while there, he then returned to her native country around 414 AD. But on the way, the host ship and damaged by the storms. The ship was then stranded on an island which became known as Ya-wa-in. It is said that is the Ya-wa-in is Dwipa Java or Java. There is a possibility at that time coins have started to be introduced there.
But there are experts who argue that the coins are known in Indonesia during the kingdom in the archipelago to establish trade relations with China. As it is known that the Chinese nation is renowned as the nation's merchants since ancient times. At that time they had to trade with nations in other parts of the world, either by land or by sea. Evidence of Chinese trade relations between the countries with the kings of the island of Java can be evidenced by the finding of coins in considerable amounts in some cities, such as Pati, Kudus, Batang, Kendal, Cilacap, Waterford, Purworejo, Blora, which is geographically situated mostly on the coast. R. Gorris, a historian from the Netherlands who long lived in Sanglah, Denpasar, said that the coins are well known in Bali around 882 AD.
For some Balinese Hindu society, certain types of coins believed to have supernatural powers or magical. According Koentjoroningrat, the human ability to deal with this life is guided by instinct and science. But sometimes it is not able to solve the problems it faces are completely rational manner. For that they then work around an irrational manner ie by witchcraft or magic. It also said that witchcraft in question is the ways to influence human nature in its efforts to achieve the goal.
The existence of such a human endeavor that eventually led to the things that have supernatural powers, one of which is in the form of coins. Of course, coins have the particularity of this type are not possessed by ordinary coins. If ordinary coins in general on the two sides contain Chinese writing, but the magical coins on one side will contain rerajahan or a particular image of which the image of Arjuna, Bhima, Krishna, the Panca Pandava, Tualen, Sangut, Hanuman, Horse, Nets, to Crescent.
Kepeng containing rerajahan it generally has the power in accordance with the image contained on one side of these coins. His magical strength would arise if the owner or carrier of these coins was sure of it. Some rumors are heard widely in the community that supernatural forces are very powerful coins. Someone who won the race distance rumored to have coins or more known picture of a horse with horse pis. A young man whose face was not so promising was suddenly married to a girl as beautiful as an angel, then was rumored to have pis Rejuna